Forum for discussing milsurp bayonets, antique military swords and military issue fighting knives
The most commonly encountered Lee-Enfield bayonets: From left to right: 1) P1888 Bayonet, issued with Long Lee Enfields and Long Lee...
After getting back into collecting bayonets (smle 1907 all makes ,types etc) i was just in time to put a last minute bid on ebay, for a Vickers 1907,...
Welcome to the the Milsurp Edged Weapons Forum. All content and pics should be restricted to material relating to discussions about military...
My apologies for the delay in giving everyone a thorough update, but I was up and down almost 36 hours addressing the outage, and I needed some...
The following tutorial was created for the benefit of our members by Milsurps Moderator Harlan (deceased). On behalf of all of our membership, I'd...
Hello folks … :) I'd like to remind everyone to re-read our Forum Rules & Site User Agreement (click here), particularly the section which covers...
Why have a separate Social Groups area? Over the last 10 years, we’ve received many requests to permit broader public discussions amongst members,...
There are some members who seem to experience site time-outs, or other problems when uploading pics as attachments to their threads and posts. It...
Other than someone who fails to say thank you when they get an answer to a question they’ve posted, I don’t think there’s anything more frustrating...
<center><img src="images/advisory_panel_reviewed_medium.png" alt="This item has been reviewed by members of the Milsurps Advisory Panel."><img...
Today’s Internet exposes computer users and the web sites they access, to a wide range of malicious pieces of infectious software code, designed to...
We understand you may be impatient to get on with placing your advertisement, but we would ask that you please read this post carefully, in order to...
Answer: For your own protection and to help preserve them for future research by all members ... :thup: The reason we capture and store all...
The following tutorial was created for the benefit of our members by Milsurps Moderator cafdfw (Harlan). On behalf of all of our membership, I'd...
The answer is YES … :beerchug: With the evolution of technology, many of our very active members want to keep current viewing our forums using...
A lot of members don't realize that our site supports multiple interfaces, often referred to as Forum Skins. Fundamentally, there are three...
Have just picked up this mystery bayonet that consists of a spike blade brazed to a No.5 bayonet hilt and crossguard with a round knurled metal...
Looks like a #5 bayonet but with a 1907 muzzle ring. Here's what the owner states... "The original blade was shortened from 435mm to 230mm and...
Found these tonight and remember someone wanted one but don't remember who, Hooked on History maybe. Price is a little high, but everything is these...
Figured I'd post this in case anyone is interested. I know I didn't have one. They also have them in poorer condition for $79.99 if you don't want...
Picked up this Turkish bayonet today because it was cheap and a type I didn't have. Trying to figure out what the parent bayonet is. It isn't a 1935...
I just recently acquired a nice No5 Mk1 Jungle Carbine dated 8/47. I originally was thinking the No5 bayonet would be correct for it then noticed...
Good afternoon. Looking for some assistance on this bayonet. 1.) Is there any way to tell the general year it was manufactured? Or simply if it...
Good evening. A friend at work's father passed away, and she "gifted" me two mystery bayonets from his collection. Can someone help me identify...
Thought I'd share this treasure from my dad with everyone. He was in the Navy in World War II and was issued this. I can remember being a small kid...
Second of 2 posts...seeking any info on this bayonet, as well. Thanks again. Mike
Been after this pair for a couple of weeks. They were sitting in an antique shop with no price. Got the pair for $150 after they were finally...
Here's some photos of the L1 range of Enfield bayonets in manufacturing process. There is also a manufacturing tool used back in the arms...
Came out in today's mailing, a Vetterli colonial bayonet for $49. They don't seem to know what they are, can't get them to fit on anything, they...
I posted this in the yard sale thread but figured it should be here also as they aren't very common or even known. This is a Winchester...
I was never able to identify the markings on the Pattern 1903 bayonet. Any help in identification would be appreciated. The original number was...
Another Legitimus Collins, 1945 to go with my 1944.
Many years ago, I purchased a really nice "niter blue" 1903 rod bayonet from S&S in New York and was think of selling it. Would anyone have any...
This is my second, different manufacturer from the first.
Uncommon to rare scabbard made by the Franco-British Electrical Company, Tempel Park, Hurley. Most sources claim 25,000 total made. I never saw one...
I just acquired this socket bayonet, for $5. I initially thought it might be a Russian Dragoon, however the overall length doesn't match any...
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