From the official 1903 Specification S. A. 212, for the Ml 1 SMLE:
Barrel: 110ACrucible or Siemens Martin steel
Bolt Head: 34F Special gun Iron.
Bolt Body: 56a Crucible Cast Steel.
Type: Posts; User: Bruce_in_Oz; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
From the official 1903 Specification S. A. 212, for the Ml 1 SMLE:
Barrel: 110ACrucible or Siemens Martin steel
Bolt Head: 34F Special gun Iron.
Bolt Body: 56a Crucible Cast Steel.
Prbably mangled my description of the "right-sizing" caper.
Yes, neck size for heck "grip" and shoulder contact.. The partial use of the FLS die (not touching the shoulder area, is to just...
The problem with '303 case-head separations may not all be down to rim thickness.
.303 headspaces on the RIM, not the case shoulder , like sensible rimless cartridges..
Your "surp-mil .303...
If the powder still smells "sweet" an flows freely when decanting from the cases, it is probably OK. Any hint of "acidic / tangy smell or "clumping" of the granules usually means it is "off"
If in...
"Plug and Play" was probably a poor choice of terminology, especially with regard to the No1 rifle and its predecessors. The fitters had trays of bolt-heads that had passed metrology at a previous...
Lee Enfields have HELICAL lock-up. Thus, basic measuring gear will be of little use.
It is "plug and play", all the way. According to ALL of the original technical literature I have seen, for No 1...
A bit late, going around again:
Infra-Red Reflective?
Once "image intensifiers" ("Starlight scopes" and "thermal" devices started appearing, a LOT of re-thinking was required.
One of the key...
What is the thread on Soviet and early Chinese SKS barrels??
ABANDONED SASKATCHEWAN - Ghost Airfields ?????? - YouTube
See if you can find a copy, real tree-ware or electronic, of the training "pamphlet" for the rifle and bayonet..
With the bayonet attached to the nose-cap, a piece of gear which is part of the...
Just unpacked a couple of "pre-loved" 2-groove No4 barrels.Internally, both are excelleny . They have not bee "bobbed".
Both appear to have been pulled off their actions by the Village plumber;...
I just received an email from a former "colleague" who tells me, as per the "instructions", that "if the gas vent in the barrel is "fouled", it is to be cleared with a "No. 42" drill bit.
Do any old "gun-plumbers have the "late-issue" data for the L1A1 gas-port diameter and the "instruction about boring it out a few "number" sizes to keep the old girls chugging along until the various...
The interesting thing about Metford rifling is that it looks "worn-out" straight from the factory.
The thread is just a pert of the story with the striker / cocking piece assembly
The tolerances on the smooth parallel internal and external mating surfaces FORWARD of the threads are,effectively...
Most likely answer is that some big wheel at the MOD signed of an order for a z8llion gallons of "paint and then had to find a use for warehouses full of the stuff. As this was the "Cold War" era, it...
India and Pakistan were both producing proper Mk Vll ammo last time I looked.
Proper bullets, but with the horrendous corrosive primers and the highly erosive Cordite propellant.
If anyone has...
Some interesting stuff in that rusting pile.
Hollow-pointed, closed-base boat-tailed bullets behave somewhat differently at launch than the open-based Mk Vll bullets of yore; i.e., the bullets around which the rifles and propellant...
It's the "boat-tail". (and the bullet diameter.
.303Mk7 and 7.7 Jap did NOT have "boat-tailed" bullets. The bullets were (generally more than .3105" as well. I have not "sampled" many Arisakas,...
That "velocity" equivalence caper is, apparently true. Bear in mind, that smokeless powder and jacketed bullets first entered British service in 1889. It was closely modeled on the German bullet for...
Lapping a Lee Enfield barrel?
By my reading, SMLE barrels were "lapped" from Day Onoe.
Rhe "reason" was that the boffins were trying to claw back the muzzzle velocity lost when th e barrel was...
"Gunfire Breakfast"?
Not this time.
Did it a few times "in service", but not lately.
Bacon, eggs and RUM: The REAL "breakfast of Champions"?
109 years on.
Our "little" local dawn and general services keep getting bigger every year.
The Dawn Service park was overflowing. Light mist, just for "effect" (Thank-you Bureau of...
Post WW1,the Baltic states were "gifted" bought at the right price,a motley collection of goodies.
One of them, Lithuania, I think, ended up with a large stash of P-14 rifles, it .303.