I was delighted one day while rifling through a pile of gear for sale at a Flea Market to find an emergency pattern carrier for the British civilan gas mask. At $15 I thought it was over-priced but...
Type: Posts; User: Sapper740; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
I was delighted one day while rifling through a pile of gear for sale at a Flea Market to find an emergency pattern carrier for the British civilan gas mask. At $15 I thought it was over-priced but...
D4 Caterpillar in the pic.
Nice pic of a couple of Hetzers.
Great story tj! Thank you for your service and sharing your story, especially about the dedicated young crew chief who was in danger of frostbite or even worse, losing body parts in that frigid...
Yup. They've refurbed two vintage scopes for me: a Weaver K4 and a Redfield Widefield
Get yourself a set of these:
Thank you for that. It has a D stamp. Unfotunately the pictures have some sort of watermark that interferes with magnifying it after I save the picture so I can't get any detail on the rear sight...
Which are?
OK! Now I see what you're talking about. That's an interesting modification and I have no idea why your sight was pinned like thata. I too have a former NZ M.L.E. although mine was a civilian...
Do these sell for a premium? SN 364991, Hexagonal receiver made by Westinghouse in 1915. All matching, good condition with original sling. Bidding is currently up to $800. I'm not a Moist Nugget...
^^^^this^^^^ Coasties manned many of the ships and landing craft that unloaded soldiers in Normandy and on just about every island in the South pacific. One Coastie, Coast Guard Signalman 1st...
The heads of the various cartels are well known for their predilection towards gold plated, diamond encrusted and highly figured firearms. Here a few of El Chapo's:
The guns are probably already in the hands of the heads of the Sinaloa and Los Zetas cartels.
The potential cost of being wrong is too high. Don't shoot it.
Heck no! In fact our training was to blow everything in place. We learned to use the rocket wrench and the disruptor but never used them operationally. We used the DAREOD to clear unexploded...
Not the coxswain anyway. He'd be on the Port side of the boat.
We need pictures of what you're describing. The service sights on MLEs are adjustable from 100 to 500 yards on the bed and anything greater than that on the leaf so to be "pinned" between 300 yards...
I have an MLE and CLLE in my collection, both private purchase target rifles built by BSA at some unknown date. They both have the dial sight plate still attached, 1600 to 2800 yards. The dial...
Militaria in general, and WWII and Vietnam collectibles in particular are drying up. For years I did the rounds of First Mondays here in Texas and always found something interesting and reasonably...
I see the Western Australia buy-back program ended yesterday. Were there options for you to retain your hunting rifles without becoming a criminal today?
You're very welcome. Yes, David has a ton of rare, interesting, and unique militaria for sale but you haven't seen anything yet until you see his personal collection.
Regards, Derek
As per usual, SG ammo in Stillwater OK has mass quantities of .30-40 Krag ammunition for sale.
30-40 Krag Ammo For Sale | SGAmmo.com
Probably the nicest and most complete Dingo in the world restored and driven on a regular basis by an acquantance of mine, David Gordon who lives here in Texas. WWII British Daimler Scout Car...