That's interesting, you'll have to put up a picture or two of the lightweight. I was an apprentice with the Rover company at their London depot in Fulham, I worked on Landrovers as well as the cars....
Type: Posts; User: IanS; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
That's interesting, you'll have to put up a picture or two of the lightweight. I was an apprentice with the Rover company at their London depot in Fulham, I worked on Landrovers as well as the cars....
I wrote to another auction house about a fake NCO sword and they wrote back thanking me for telling them it was a fake. They have changed the description to " Chinese copy". I was quite surprised...
Hello bigduke6,
it's a nasty old world out there. There's so many Japanese type 95 swords that are fake.
I've just let my FAC expire and my No4 Mk1T is with an RFD for sale, my son has my...
Just spotted another fake being sold as a genuine WWII type 95. I've written to this auction house too, telling them what's wrong with the sword and that I believe it to be a Chinese fake,let's see...
As you say, they might cancel me. If they do, I'll see if I can embarrass them in some way, their choice.
They didn't reply to my message, thought that might be the case. I just hope that...
I briefly looked at a couple of explanations of the law and yes you're right about the hammer falling. It is said that although the contract is with the seller, the auction house must not...
Hello Bill,
you're quite right, "let the buyer beware" has been around for a long long time and yet so many people get caught out. I checked out all my guns before I bought them.
I've now...
Hi Sapper,
your comments ring so true. In the UK, I'm sure that auction houses, although selling for the owner, are required to accurately describe the item for sale otherwise it's...
Hi Salt Flat, only too happy to oblige.
The Bo-hi or fuller(groove in blade) has a squarer section and different length compared to a genuine type 95. Probably cut by a grinding wheel, see the...
Hi Sapper,
it's a real mess, but somebody has paid £600 (GBP) for it. There is nothing of this sword that is worth anything, maybe scrap metal. I wrote to the auction house and told them it was...
I have put this up as a warning to those who are about to buy a Japanese sword, mainly those buying one for the first time.
Please please please, do some research first, there are forums out there...
Good news, I have managed to contact Don's daughter and contact with his son Cass will follow.
Nice comments guys. Don was an example of the type of member you have highlighted, he did a wonderful thing in reuniting my dad with a "T", they became good friends. He also set up a shooting day...
Since my earlier post, I have now established that enfield303t (Don), who had not been active on here since Dec 2022, passed away in January of this year, 2023.
Both he and his son Cass, helped me...
You have built a very nice collection. I look forward to you uploading a photo of your latest acquisition once you're ready to show it.
There seems to be a lot of replica items for sale and a lot...
That's a nice looking collection you have, what I've seen for sale over here, don't look as in good condition as yours. I suspect you've done quite a bit of work on the collection to get them...
Hi Jim,
wow, heavy ordnance, you must have a decent storage facility! You're certainly keeping the collecting going. I've just packed in target shooting, my T is with a dealer for sale. My...
Good morning all,
my computer went down and I lost a lot of email addresses, I wanted to contact enfield303t to check that he had no wildfires near him. I was surprised to see that he had not...
Hi Jim,
not had contact with you for a long time, hope you are well.
I spotted this sword when I was researching one for sale, I've since emailed the auction house and they are looking into it....
Good afternoon,
I spotted a sword up for auction, purely by accident and it looked wrong. It's described as a Type 95 NCO sword.
The auction house is Ashley Waller, here in the UK the lot...
Hi Jim, I've just received an email about the katana I've just rebuilt. My contact thinks the blade is late Koto, early Shinto, that's 1500's into 1600's. He'll have a better idea when he handles...
Here are the two "oldies".
From left to right,
400 year old blade. 400 year old blade.
700 year old blade. 700 year old blade, note the combat cuts on the side of the blade. Probably from...
Hi Jim, trust you are well. Thanks for the comments, it doesn't look as good as the photos, but a great deal better than it was. I have a good idea on how to get the hamon back, but I need to...
Well, I've taken the renovation to a level I'm happy with for the present. Will do more with the blade once I have learnt how to bring up the hamon (temper line). I saw the hamon at one stage of...
Had another look at the puzzling menuki and having looked more closely, it seems there are two sets of clenched claws/toes, under what could be described as the neck or crop of a crane.
In the...