Like I said, 30 days this post has been waiting. we slowly go through solutions and suggestions. Never fails.
Type: Posts; User: browningautorifle; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
Like I said, 30 days this post has been waiting. we slowly go through solutions and suggestions. Never fails.
Early or late? Or some other country's knockoff? There are guys here that can answer definitively but they all seem to be hibernating...
There's another member here that has a few, seems in a past pic he showed us there were a couple like yours without those screws. You can see from almost any angle if they're present. Here's...
I checked the book and bot the Mk1 and Mk2 have the screws...someone will be along I should think. If only Peter Laidler would have a look...
Now I see what you're talking about, yes that's strange. I'm going to see what the book says... "Bren Gun Saga"...
It seems some traversing bars were numbered and some not. Is your numbered faintly under the paint? They shouldn't be painted there either. There should be a scale both on top and facing you when...
Should be blue or parkerizing.
It should have been blued or parkerized and then the upper surfaces painted. Lazy man's way to paint is with a spray can and cover everything. You have to be able to manipulate it after all...
Yes. That will work too. Turn the screw by hand until snug and then set the handle where you want it. Try it a couple of times and then tap it down the splines again.
So it is. I'd just make that all gone myself...carefully. There were lots of these altered for other things.
You shouldn't have paint on the top of the bar, it's got numbers you need to read. The paint will be a big factor in gummy or sluggish movement. If you clean the paint out of the mating surfaces on...