You definitely have a little of everything...
Type: Posts; User: browningautorifle; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
You definitely have a little of everything...
It's always worth selling rather than letting it molder in a crawlspace. Someone will pay you.
I wondered about that too...
Austin Motor Company... Bren Gun magazine markings - question | Gunboards Forums
Try keeping your punch stuck in a bit longer, push the distance plate away until you're clear.
I must have misunderstood, does your mag not look like this?
Bottom slides off and the springs will come out...You'll see.
Only in peacetime are we anal about that sort of thing, generally. Yes everyone carried two and doubled past the Bren position dropping off the mags and then on to the attack position. Since more...
If you need anything here on this site, they have a bit. I can get it and send it...if you like. Dress and Field Kit