I wonder if he made it?
Type: Posts; User: Bob Womack; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
I wonder if he made it?
Most people avoid the word because of its association with a life choice. And yes, the avoidance is politically motivated. The last time I heard anyone use it publicly was in a song in the '70s,...
When asked if he was in the Army, my granddaddy would say, "Yeah, the Salvation Army," and chuckle. He was too young for WWI and too old for WWII. He was a tool and die maker, and basically worked...
Caption from Facebook:
Winchester employee with an M1 Garand Receiver after forging prior to the...
Pennsylvania and Tennessee didn't have much damage but the others did and yes, went Stateside for refits. An interesting story from one of the refits: The Nevada was being refit after partially...
The shooting competitions used to be a little more, um, reality-based. Kneeling and hasty sling are the most practical for a soldier on the go when bullets start landing around him. When you think...
Tennessee maneuvers?
A friend who was a Marine communication specialist went in to the beach on the third day at Tarawa, and survived. As a result, he ended up back-watered on Tarawa for the duration. He said they...
Well, I've got a Ron Brown sling from Dean's Gun Restorations. It doesn't have any splits, so I can't really help predict your...
My first is an A1/A2, as in the upper has both the handle and forward assist. I've been struggling with my progressive trifocals, as in the inboard corner that you peer through when you've got a...
A friend's son was in the 82nd Airborne in the 90s. The did an exercise jump with all kit. A friend of his landed in such a way that the stock of his rifle caught him under the rib cage. He simply...
Well, frankly, your posting style was perceived as a little challenging and abrasive. It is okay to ask for clarification, but serves better to do so more gently. I asked for civility and your...
Please continue this discussion with a more civil tone. Thanks.
Everyone sniff your rifles now.
Please remember the rules of the forum, including "No Politics." We understand, though. The head of the forum is Canadian.
I've got the G.I. Joe model of the 1919A1 in mint condition. I found it when the G.I. Joe Convention came to my town. I didn't even know they existed. I have eleven G.I. Joes. People ask, "How...
Marvy. Year 2000 error?
That sounds like a software glitch to me. Reported.
Boom went the thread.
That was Colin ‘Hoppy’ Hodgkinson, another double amputee in the RAF.
Merry Christmas to you!!!
It was about fifteen years ago that a British pilot came forward and admitted that he'd shot down a plane he couldn't identify. His location and time matched the course and timing of Miller's plane....
It was the Mig-25 Foxbat. A Soviet pilot named Viktor Belenko defected to the U.S. via Japan with one. They used valves (tubes) running in an alcohol (PGA) bath. The radar was so powerful that it...
Yep. Typo.
He completed a run of the 8th Air Force bases with his band and was leaving to begin performing in France. Apparently the plane strayed from accepted air lanes. A British fighter intercepted and...