
Type: Posts; User: browningautorifle; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)

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  1. Replies

    It's at the back. That's why the step at the...

    It's at the back. That's why the step at the back of the foresight looks a bit odd.

    That makes perfect sense. They didn't know to use a rod in the bore to measure...against a closed bolt.
  2. Not me. I'd make one if I didn't have one. But...

    Not me. I'd make one if I didn't have one. But that doesn't give you an original, just gets you shooting. I'd use good material like a drill bit and then flatten it off.
  3. Replies

    Yes, that's the ejection port cut out. I think...

    Yes, that's the ejection port cut out.

    I think if this one was really examined we'd find it to be an assembly after the fact.
  4. That begs to be brutal. Almost the same as snipe.

    That begs to be brutal. Almost the same as snipe.
  5. The blades themselves come up from time to time...

    The blades themselves come up from time to time as well. You can see the stub of the original blade is still in the pommel.
  6. Exactly. Then you can shoot exactly what you...

    Exactly. Then you can shoot exactly what you need to.
  7. Exactly... I'm getting the picture that you...


    I'm getting the picture that you can't do any bullet pulling and seating SP bullets. You'd recover cost after by selling the FMJ to online buyers. It's not that hard to do...

  8. Replies

    That barrel is out to lunch, the markings are in...

    That barrel is out to lunch, the markings are in the right place relating to the front sight but I'll bet you'd find the front sight keyway area was cut off and this piece was grafted(sleeved) on to...
  9. Here's the PPU. They don't have SP or HP though.

    Here's the PPU. They don't have SP or HP though.
  10. That is the story. They had lots of hate and...

    That is the story. They had lots of hate and revenge planned and motivating them. They'd all lost someone.
  11. Replies

    Those I've seen on forum, either here or...

    Those I've seen on forum, either here or elsewhere.

    Yes, I remember those days well.
  12. If this was done by the military it would fit the...

    If this was done by the military it would fit the weapon. As stated, it doesn't fit the Sterling it won't fit the #5. Hard to say who cobbled this together but it was just a Peter says. ...
  13. I thought that was a full Chinese uniform when I...

    I thought that was a full Chinese uniform when I saw it.
  14. Replies

    Sticky: I had one of those...

    I had one of those...
  15. I'll bet lots of them would have been just as...

    I'll bet lots of them would have been just as happy to go in wearing shorts and a cartridge belt...and rifle. They just wanted revenge for the cruelty they suffered.
  16. I know guys that shoot whatever comes to hand...

    I know guys that shoot whatever comes to hand without issue. I know one that shot a steady diet of 150 gr soft point from Canadian Tire, was cheapest. Back in the '70s we shot...
  17. Philippine scouts...someone even has a heavy old...

    Philippine scouts...someone even has a heavy old loop handle cleaning rod sticking out of his barrel. That's an carry.
  18. There IS a particular M2 ammo available named for...

    There IS a particular M2 ammo available named for cycling through Garand rifles without hurting them. Federal Cartridge made an American Eagle for the M1 rifle with the label so marked. You'll get...
  19. I recall seeing one in the open fields outside...

    I recall seeing one in the open fields outside old Nicosia City in '75 while on patrol. You could pick it out at distance in the desert sun while it was across the Turk's back...bright brass mag...
  20. Replies

    Excellent info, I was hoping you'd be along. The...

    Excellent info, I was hoping you'd be along. The owner has been alerted and said he'd follow this thread. Thanks for the testimony...
  21. No lack in the Lindsay Valley...or OPSEE training...

    No lack in the Lindsay Valley...or OPSEE training area. Or the heat of summer.
  22. I was army, Infantry and am glad not to be on...

    I was army, Infantry and am glad not to be on cold miserable days...snowy or freezing. I couldn't take it any more, wouldn't be able to stand it. Too broke down from doing it when I could...
  23. OK, I was just wondering what it could be.

    OK, I was just wondering what it could be.
  24. What can he do, cut your hair and make you join...

    What can he do, cut your hair and make you join the Army? Let us know how this goes...worst case I can box my angle meter up and mail it. Gift...doubt I'll do any more of them any way. One old guy...
  25. I couldn't say about that one, the angle meter...

    I couldn't say about that one, the angle meter was about $15CDN... I've used it many, many times.
Results 1 to 25 of 119
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