Indeed it is and that carbine is locked and loaded.
Type: Posts; User: eb in oregon; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
Indeed it is and that carbine is locked and loaded.
True that.
The biggest issue with the PPsH 41 drums were they generally had to be hand fitted, to much variation between manufacturers. However if you have four or five fitted to your weapon you will be a happy...
During the Vietnam war SPEC-OPS guys liked to carry cut down RPD's, which used a drum. They would cut a piece of linoleum to insert in the back of the drum which significantly cut down the "rattle...
As his birthday was December 7th he was more than a bit ****ed off when we entered WWII.
My grand dad didn't get a foot shot off in the Argonne, but he picked up a large piece of metal in his butt. And was to old for the next one. He still did his part in the Civil Defense. And was a...
I like Willy Pete, however when in Basic Training in 1970 when we were on the grenade range we got a demonstration of all the grenades before throwing our own. When the WP grenade was thrown a really...
If it works it ain't stupid, eh? It may require some talent though.
The whole thing is intentionally posed, obviously a training site sometime at the beginning of the war. Big deal.
I was fortunate to qualify Expert 22 times. The last time I had to qualify was in Iraq and I had an ACOG on my rifle. I had no dark tape to stick over the fiber optic and in that light it was a blur....
I'm comfortable with the M16A1. First issued rifle. Later my issued rifle was the M16A2 for years. My last rifle was the M4 Carbine with all kind's of gizmos issued in a really hot place. So I just...
At the time I was a "heavy Cavalry Scout." The M113A3 was the deal. Later we went light with HUMVEE's. Tow Missiles and GPMG's.
Hurts doesn't it? The x-ray of my back is entertaining to look at, there isn't hardly a straight section left. That slam took about three months to heal also. I had to strap and brace up to attend...
I've never seen people buried in the bank of a small hill. However you are correct, digging in the cemetery isn't a good idea. Circumstances dictate where one digs.
Which is the reason for the PLF (parachute landing fall), to distribute the impact over your body. Not using the PLF hurts bad. I only jumped twice, my second PLF sucked and it took months for my...
Looks like Mt. Suribachi to me.
Often times more. Extra rounds for the Carl Gustav, and more.
I see a plastic bag over the muzzle, I fail to see any warping.
Three months before I was born.
I've never quite understood "fuel line icing." Aviation gas does't freeze (unless there is water in it) so it has to be water on the carburetor that freezes and prohibits it's function.
I've read lots of theories but have yet to see any facts or evidence of any.
I've seen that opera house, it's quite beautiful.
The entertainers that performed for the USO during WWII, Korea, and Vietnam were all American hero's placing themselves in danger for our troops. Glen Miller stands out, he didn't come back.
No, he's saying that some one is going to replace him if he's hit and the guy who replaces him will be a rifleman.
Visiting the USS Arizona was one of the most moving experiences of my life.