I'll send you a PM. I have one bought from CMP that operates well when the top round is on the left, but with the top round on the right releases the op rod before catching the clip. At least...
Type: Posts; User: Matt_X; Excluded Forums: Milsurp Knowledge Libraries (READ ONLY)
I'll send you a PM. I have one bought from CMP that operates well when the top round is on the left, but with the top round on the right releases the op rod before catching the clip. At least...
Thanks. I go every month if I can and that helps even if I can't get in live or dry fire practice in between. A couple years ago I had a total of 257 but the match winner was 281 followed by 280,...
What's your impressions of the land Musket versus the Charleville - and which model of the latter do you have?
I'll say of the reproductions I've handle, the pedersoli and japanese made bess were...
Thanks. I've learned it was bought from CMP at Camp Perry during the matches in 2014
Sorry. I don't know what you want a photo of. To me the back end would be the stock butt.
137664137666Best at the recent match using the SR-1 targets at 100 yards.
Bright sun facing us from the right, but the sights on the carbine well sooted, or maybe I was just luclky and the better...
Thank you!
Where on the back end?
Here's a right side view of the back.
Not even a hint of any stamps on the sides.
The butt plate ( which I assume CMP could have installed )
Previous owner did not know who made the stock. What sort of photos and description could help identify the manufacturer? We can find no stamps on it. Just some dings.
The M1 was probably...
These are the WW2 era USMC blankets I've seen.
Very similar image being used for an ebay sale right now. I don't know enough about manufacture versus repacking to speculate as to which we are looking at. Enlarging the ebay photo the ink...
Can we expand this discussion to the Saginaw/Inland buttplates ?
Is there any pattern of usage observed with these and/or the missing dimple buttplates on SG stocks?
I'm assuming the...
Sigman posted here that Berdan can have either one or two holes. Either way the hole is off center because of the anvil.
CMP Forums - View Single Post - LC52 carbine ammo BERDAN!?!?
Photos of...
That's really neat. It will remain a neat connection whether or not the follow up e-mail occurs. I'm slowly learning that sometimes, maybe often, this stuff just slips when people don't...
Don't hit your head Charlie! Its good to have those auction photos saved and posted here. Worth the extra time.
Since your bringing this up, there are current sellers advertising the Chinese LC 52 for sale as real Lake City 52. :thdown:
Fortunately the seller shows the box., which removes all doubt. ...
Quick update. I spoke too soon. That carbine failed to fire the same ammo - once during a CMP Garand match. Short version is that both 'duds' fired fine in my SG.
Changed bolts and firing pins...
Funny you bring this up. I couldn't pull the trigger on buying an SG last night 'cause of the price. I know myself, it would get used so whatever value it may have as a new mag for collecting, it...
Sadly true. And many, too many, rely on-line reviews either because they have to or they actually believe that popularity somehow seperates out mechanical or chemical soundness.
See it a lot in...
I am no expert on this. Late 1944 is the timeframe a couple sources have given for Allied re-equipping Italian forces. This entirely makes sense when looking at the timeline and organizations.
I think with enough people documenting these, in the configuration they got them from Midway, we can narrow down the most likely versus least likely journey for this batch of carbines. I'll come...
Brought the same two Korean U mags and two production mags to the range yesterday. All ran fine in this carbine. So the tweaking of the mags did the trick. No failures to fire either. Only...
Our BP inspector had a bore light he could drop down the barrel to light up the bores. That would let you see if its truly rifled.
I agree it seems unlikely but I'm not that familiar French arms....
A couple nights ago I watched the relevant parts of How to Shoot the US Army Rifle (Garand) - Show her the rapid fire portion where the shooters count their shots out loud. :)
Charlie. Your "WRA Stock Traits" is terrific! :clap:
I ordered A Revolution in Stock Making through ABE yesterday after reviewing the review at the CCC. Also found an original 1944 edition of the...
The same with my Robert Irwin made stock compared with the my Winchester.
It would seem the amount of housing visible is normal, and probably due more to the stock manufacturer than resurfacing...