My Eddystone was also "arsenal mint" i.e. as new inside, but plenty of dings on the outside from 90 years of being shunted about!

No. 129xxx and 11-18 barrel - fits perfectly on the chart in Ferris, P.88.

No rework stamps whatsoever. Yes, I did dismantle it, to "de-cosmoline" it. And I can assure you, it is possible to remove and replace staked screws without it showing, if you have a very carefully torqued setup.

The barrel channel did not have a speck of dirt in it. Everything, but everything, is Eddystone, plus plenty of little eagles and inspection marks.

Definitely as originally manufactured. The finish is exactly as in the photos at the start of this thread.

It also shoots excellently. But before I found it, I had seen a couple with those oh-so-shiny bores that are in fact bellmouthed from years of incorrect cleaning.

They are out there. Keep looking lads!
