Hello, I have a Mod k98 I picked up in Montana in 1979 from a gun shop and I've decided to sell it. I actually hunted with it once. I've researched it a bit before I found this great site, and I'll try to describe as accurately as possible. It has a laminated stock, matching numbers and Preduzece 44 on the side, basically 'Factory 44' from Yugoslaviaicon. There are several Waffenamts stamped around the rifle. The top of the barrel unfortunately is sanded off so I can't see any details. The rifle butt is inscribed with '1.TRZ'. '1944' is stamped on the upper ring. There is rust on the butt plate. Everything seems intact except for there is no cleaning rod. I also have the bayonet I bought with it, which is inscribed '490' over an 'F'. I guess what I'm confused about is that a K98icon with matching numbers is very desirable, but it was modified in Yugoslavia, which I've found is less popular. I've compared this with other Yugoslav captures and mine appears to be much less reworked. Any more info, or if I made an error, would be great to hear. And since I want to sell it, a ballpark idea of its value if anyone might know. I've enclosed detailed photos. Thanks in advance!
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