I went into the foothills of Vancouver Island with my son and his girlfriend yesterday, typical November weather....rain, heavy winds, hail and brlliant sunshine. Loved it.
Picked out a safe area to shoot, set up our targets...readied our rifles...Ross MkIII, Kar98, and an SKS.
The SKS is just a wonderful little weapon..cheap to buy and cheap to shoot, but not nearly as much fun as the Ross or Kar.
My sights were way off at 100 yards...mind you I was using the 200 yard peep sight so I had to shoot below the target to place the rounds into the middle. The adjustable sight was out of whack and like an idiot I did not bring tools to adjust for windage, but no big deal I was having a blast shooting this fine weapon for the first time since buying it.

I can say here and now though I would not want to field strip this weapon during operations....not user friendly at all compared to the simplicity of the SKS. Is it any wonder Canadianicon troops fighting in miserable trench conditions were not really enamoured with this wonderful weapon.
Just reading the strip and assembly of the bolt mechanism tells the story of why this front line weapon could never meet battle conditions....nothing easy about strip and assemble.
That aside....I love this rifle, feels good in my hands....nice trigger response...beautiful action.....love the straight pull cocking mechanism...pull back eject spent cartridge...slam bolt forward...pick up round... set into chamber and ready to fire in one easy motion.

I would like to mention my sons Kar98 is a beautiful piece of Germanicon enginering...a real pleasure to fire.

All in all we spent a great 4 hours plunking away at set up targets which included the dreaded orange pumpkin monsters.
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