Hey, John. I know you take some of the best photos around. (They rival my photos)
If you want to email your photos to me I'll be happy to post them here.

Also, just be aware sometimes the Cross Cannons weren't stamped very well. I have a 1911A1 that looks as if it was stamped at an angle and I didn't even make it out as a CC when I first saw it.

What photo program are you having troubles with? I've found Windows 7 to work with even my oldest photo programs, which I can't say for the last Windows (Vista).

FWIW, I like Windows 7 quite a bit. I've used every Windows platform since 3.0, and Windows 7 is my favorite next to XP. There was no B.S. and things you didn't need with XP and it supported almost every program I threw at it. Everything was laid out where things were easy to find too. I hope you missed Vista, the format that preceded the current Windows 7. It was laid out very similar to the current Windows 7, but was unstable as hell until they upgraded it twice.