Perhaps I am just not smart enough to figure it out, but my computer screen displays this forum about 2.5 screens wide, nothing I can find makes a simple to read and understand screen that fits on the width of one screen, and most of what is here is clutter, animations, or ads, and not much that is the text of posts.

Or perhaps dial up service isn't smart enough for all the little doo-dads and makes it so slow, the old system seems fast on CSPicon.

So for the time being, I guess I will just go shooting.


-No oven cleaner for your wood.
-15.0/WW296/110FMJ makes a good carbine reload.
-With a new carbine, strip the bolt, clean all holes, replace ejector/extractor springs.
-Avoid Universal Carbines unless it is all you have when Alvin Quida comes down your street.

Warning: This is a relatively older thread
This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.