from ace of spades:

Shock: Those Making Less Than $250,000 Per Year Will Face a Tax Increase

Obama's cap and trade scheme will impose a $700-$1400 additional tax on all families as energy producers (and users) pass-through their own higher costs to the public.

Obama plans to devote more taxpayer money to defray these costs for those making $75,000 per year or less.

And those making between $75,000 and $250,000 per year? Noted tax evader Tim Geithner didn't directly answer when questioned about it, only saying that if we wished to combat global warming, we needed to change the "incentive structure" of energy production.

You know, much like noted idiot David Brooks, I'm beginning to wonder if this clean and articulate Obama feller has been completely straight with me.

(No cite; was on Brett Butler's show.)

I'm actually starting to get mildly optimistic about 2010. I think the public is giving Obama a huge amount of leeway, but at some point, the grace period ends.

Vid: At Gateway Pundit. During the campaign, Obama confessed his plan would cause the price of electricity -- his word here -- "to skyrocket."

Thanks to CJ.

There is a psychological principle that kicks in about expensive purchases. If someone pays a lot of money for something, they will have a high interest in claiming their purchase wise and the product sound because they don't want to admit they've been gulled. (Yeah, gulled again -- one of my favorite words. I'm hoping to repopularize it.)

They'll claim it's good, even if it's crap. If they'd paid less money for it they'd have no problem admitting it's crap -- after all, they have no ego to protect in that case. Pay small money for something, no harm in admitting you got what you paid for.

I think that's going on with Obama. The public took a huge chance on this stutterin' prick, and ignored the warnings. They were also bullied by the media into voting for him, and indulged themselves in the media flattery for being so progressively-minded.

And now they're eluctant to admit to themselves they been had. Bamboozled. Run amok.

But at some point people do confront the ill wisdom of a purchase, and at that point, the invective and anger begins flowing.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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