Hello all,

Please excuse me if I'm beating a dead horse, but I checked back 20 pages, could not find an answer, so please indulge me!

I've recently acquired a very nice 03A3 which appears to be of the correct historical configuration; the fly in the ointment is that the front sight blade is bent. I've found a NOS replacement, ready to go, but I CANNOT GET THE PIN TO BUDGE. I've destroyed two 1/16" punches - I would almost swear that the pin is a bit smaller - the punch will not go through the hole in the new blade either.

The punch measures .060", now that's slightly less than 1/16" so it certainly seems that it should work. I've considered trying a 1.5mm punch, but cannot find one anywhere in the US, don't want to buy a complete (expensive) set just for one punch. Some guys in the UKicon have them, but I'd have to pay three times the cost of the punch to ship it here (yep, I'm a cheapskate allrighty).

Any suggestions? Thank you very much!
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