I believe I can get Privi for this one at Cabelas. I'll make a trip up there one of these days soon. Privi is not available for the Type 99, Hornaday was the only brand I could locate and it was $25 a box which I consider expensive. I remember seeing the 6.5 and wondering why they have that but not the 7.5. The Hornaday brass is Privi. Anyway, Privi is usually about $14-$15 a box.

I had approximately 150lbs of faucets (brass) and 100 pounds of copper wire and pipe. Brass is bringing $1.80/lb and copper $2.80/lb I had some other odds and ends but that was the main source of my funding. Aluminum doesn't amount to much unless you have a LOT of it. I have probably 400 lbs of insulated copper wire. Can't burn the insulation off anymore and doing it by hand would take years. It's also in a huge pile in the back of my basement. I put it there in very small increments over the last 20 years and now it's just too big to do anything with. I might take an evening and shove it out the basement window and load it up that way. They will buy it with the insulation on, you just don't get as much, about 60% of what the copper is actually worth. I hate losing that 40% but the time involved or the risk of the EPA breaking down my doors for burning it make it look more attractive each day.