The marking on the butt socket and Nock's Form looks very much like the Afghan state markings we saw on another captured or purchased rifle out of Afghanistan a while back, which was a CLLE if I remember correctly.

I don't see anything about it that shouts "Made in Peshawar", except the "BSA" attempt on the butt marking disc.

Of course some fakes are better than others, and these guys were not intimidated by complexity!

You can bet the Pathans themselves knew and know the difference between a factory made rifle and a N.W.F. one, and that might explain why this one survived so long: it was known to be the real thing.

Could also be some genuine parts on a locally made rifle.

The "BSA" mark could have just been a case of some dealer on the N.W.F. trying to "gild the lily" for his customers.