Back around 1978/9 I was in my early twentys, I went shooting with a guy who would eventually talk me into going to school for gunsmithing, his name was Gene Bubb. He was a heck of a great shot as well as a stand up guy. I had an old Mauser sporter that just would not shoot straight. He had a pair of sissors in his car and asked if I had anything plastic. So happens I had an old ID card and he went to work on it, while he did that he had me take the screws out of the gun. Gene put in plastic shim and screwed down the action. when all was said and done the group size was cut in half. He proceeded to explain the theory of free floating and I was hooked, I mean hook line and sinker! Gene has been gone for sometime now I'll never forget the lesson, you don't have to spend a lot of money to make a good shooter. Thanks Gene-SDH
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