
I had predicted that, since they lost the frontal assault in the Supreme Court, they would inititate attacks on our flanks. I see they've chosen to begin in one of the most Liberal states in the Union.

The strategy here is to make gun ownership very expensive, if not unaffordable, and to reduce the economic viability of gun makers in the bargain.

I hope the NRA has been accumulating funds to fight this sort of crap.

And I hope we ALL take a page from our opponents playbook, and become "Activists" in defense of our gun rights.
Louis of PA

Connecticut anti-gun Legislation hearings on Monday, March 16th: SB353 & SB839
NRA Institute for Legislative Action ^ | 3/12/09 | NRA

Posted on Friday, March 13, 2009 9:36:14 AM by DTogo

"Micro-Stamping" Bill Drafted in Legislature! The Connecticut State Legislature's Joint Committee on Judiciary has drafted a bill that would ban the sale of all handguns not equipped with so-called "micro-stamping" technology.

Senate Bill 353, sponsored by State Senator Martin M. Looney (D-11), has gone from a mere concept discussed by the committee, to an official bill that will likely be scheduled for a hearing soon.

Micro-stamping is an unproven technology that would require identifying information (such as the make, model, and serial number) of a firearm to be etched into the firing pin and breech face in such a manner that those identifiers are imprinted on the cartridge case upon firing. The technology can easily be defeated with common household tools, has no public safety value, and adds substantially to the cost of the firearm.

Hearing to Discuss Fate of Board of Firearm Permit Examiners on Monday! On Monday, March 16, a hearing has been scheduled for Senate Bill 839 in the Government Administration and Elections Committee. Introduced at the request of Governor Jodi Rell (R), SB 839 would have an immeasurable impact on Connecticut's law-abiding gun owners by transferring operations of the Board of Firearm Permit Examiners to the Department of Public Safety.

If approved, an applicant who is denied a pistol permit would have to appeal to the very body, the Department of Public Safety, which rejected the permit. The removal of this currently independent board will make it harder for law abiding gun owners to regain their pistol permits if they have been revoked or denied without proper cause.
The Public Hearing will be held on Monday, March 16, at 9:30 A.M. in Room 2B of the Legislative Office Building (LOB). We encourage all of our members to attend this meeting and voice your opposition to SB839.

Coming after the Church, now the guns. CT FReepers, please contact your State Legislators TODAY and respectfully urge them to defend our Second Amendment rights by opposing SB353 and SB839!
Contact CT Governor Jodi Rell here.
Find your CT State Rep. here.Find your CT State Senator here.
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