Hey guys,

Received Nick Ferris' "Model of 1917" book today. He addresses the rebuild programs starting on page 139.

This is not a direct quote but is a short synopsis of Mr. Ferris' information.

After WWI the War Department was in a dilemma. Choose the M1917 or the M1903 as the standard service rifle. They were concerned about possible future labor strife and financial problems at Winchester and Remington. So, they chose the M1903 rifle because Springfield had trained workers and the equipment to make the rifles. If they had chosen the M1917 and stuck with Winchester and Remington, Springfield would have had nothing to do and could be closed. And if labor or financial problems arose (They did) at Winchester and Remington there would be problems in controlling manufacture and acquisition of rifles.

The post WWI rebuilding and cleaning of M1917's was done at RIA, Raritan, Springfield and Augusta Arsenals (Think San Antonio snuck in there also).

That's it, No Winchester or Remington rebuild for M1917 rifles.

Nick's work is great, you can read your rifle like a book.....with his book.

There are several CSPicon'ers listed in the acknowledgements. Who the heck is Richard Slater, that name sounds familiar.

Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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