It should be safe for the GP-11 cartilage. The 1900 short rifle action was the 1896 model action not the 1889 (the 1896 based action is the one used for every Schmidt Rubin in GP-11 aka 7.5x55 Swissicon). The locking lugs will be to the front of the bolt locking face as the only carbine the Swiss made that was not with the forward lugs was experimental ones that failed in the trials for 1893 carbine (hence why they adapted the 1893 Mannlicher). The conversion to the K1900/11 Carbine was specifically made so that carbine could shoot GP-11 so you will be good to go. Remember if it wasn't safe the Swiss didn't make it, they took every bit of pride in there work and the quality of the product being produced.

So many people get worked up over what is safe for a Swiss and what isn't, its pretty simple to figure it out. Here is a quick photo reference. If the lugs are like this, don't use GP-11 in it.

If the lugs are like this then it will be safe for GP-11.