I have now, and it's freaking scary.
Around 5 Saturday afternoon I was sitting in my stand in the woods about 16' off the ground. I wanted to try and record the hunt, so I was messing with my camera settings when I heard a ziiiip and BOOM! It was surreal, I could hear the bullet and the leaves/ limbs it was hitting. It was close enough that the camera captured the sound of the bullet, and the audio pickup on this camera is not very good. I got my stuff together and got down and went home. Best I can tell is that it was a guy that hunts an adjacent property that has a stand through the woods on the other side of a field about 500 yards away. I heard his 4 wheeler about 15 minutes prior as he headed to the stand. All i can figure is that he was on the ground at the base of his stand and a deer came out toward the middle of the field, which has a slightly higher elevation, and he shot at it and missed and the bullet had an upward trajectory. Either that or it was a Negligent Discharge or maybe a ricochet. Scary either way as it had to go through more than 200 yards of solid woods to get to me, but it did. I'm definitely going to have a word with this guy, and let him know what happened.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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