This "sickness" is possibly the most bizarre one I've ever had and it seems like most everyone it getting it. I have gone through uncontrollable chills, massive headaches and total body pain. I will feel fine for part of the day (felt good at the gun show) and miserable the rest. I have kept working for the most part but took Friday off because I had an all day coaching stint on Saturday (Three of my kids won All Star honors and the same three placed for awards in Individuals, I'm a high school rifle coach) By the time I get home, I feel like I'm about ready to die. Two out of the six other coaches had it too. This afternoon was particularly bad.

I didn't get the Arisakaicon off Mike. It came from the same pair of guys I got the Enfield off of. Mike did the transfer of the pistol for me. I didn't even buy both at the same time which was kind of dumb but I fell for the revolver and forgot about the rifle until I was almost walking out the door. Mike did have a nice one with a bayonet but it had a ground mum. The guy had maybe 6-8 Arisakas, most in pretty nice shape with mums. This one was the best price as it was missing a screw and the cleaning rod and rod locking button, things I had on hand at home. I didn't even think to look at the serials at the show. Just looked at overall condition. It was also the last thing I checked when I got home. Spent a couple hours researching the Enfield and the bandolier. Very surprised it matched.