I think I'm going to go with the electric screwdriver method since it's low cost (and I have one, and also the case driver from the Lee Trimmer) and that's more or less what the Hornady Kit is doing. I think I won't buy the Tempilaq since it would be kind of slow, I think and you guys only mention it for one who is unsure of himself. I'll first practice on the split cases to get my technique down. This presents a perfect time to get a Propane Torch which I've needed around the house for a while. I assume that propane alone should be good enough since a good quality candle was mentioned as a heat source?

When I was going over annealing in my head, I assumed that I'd need a device such as what I had seen in Guns and Ammo Magazine back in the 80s which was basically a device which held the cases and rotated them past a torch or two, so that the process was pretty well controlled.

It's a lot simpler than I had expected and at the most, I could lose some cases, but I might save a lot of them in exchange.
