They seem to be all over the place at the moment. It must be a Tiffy's nightmare, I have never seen so many variants, long rifles, short rifles, short machine guns, GPMG of course and most of them various rounds too, what a nightmare!!
GLOCK 17 9mm
L115A3 Long Range Sniper rifle 8.59mm
L129A1 Sharpshooter rifle 7.62mm
L15A2 81mm Mortar
Combat Shotgun ARGO system 12 Gauge
GPMG 7.62mm
H&K 40mm Grenade Machinegun
L1A1 12.7mm (.50) Heavy Machine Gun
Light Machine gun belt fed
Guided Wepaon (NLAW)

However, so refreshing to see the GPMG wont be replaced anytime soon, she still soldiers on!!