Quote Originally Posted by Aragorn243 View Post
I don't know the validity of this but it has been reported by an Israeli doctor working in Italyicon.

They are no longer using respirators on anyone over the age of 60. That if true is not a good sign at all.
That might be the case in Bergamo and Brescia, but I’m not sure of elsewhere.
We have real triage being done, but until now we heard only of the absolutely worst cases not being treated. Some hopeless cases have been sedated and let go. That will leave scars in the medical personnel and not only in them. But it is not systematic throughout Italy.
It is certainly a very limited area where it happens.
Today we had less infections and less dead. First time since all this started. Think positive!!!
People, at least here, are behaving in a splendid way. Today I have seen or heard maybe three cars passing by my home in the whole day. Eerie...
I’m struggling not to go out in the fields and vineyards for my daily training, but decided against that, even if theoretically still allowed in places like here. I decided that, although I would not endanger anyone and also not break any rules, this time each of us needs to set an example. For himself, his family, for all other people. I blew the dust off my treadmill and started playing the hamster...
I’ll have my “revenge” soon!
Last June I convinced a friend of mine and we went from San Vito to Bibione by foot. Left at 04:00 and reached the beach at 14:00. After 48 km, 4 brief stops and 3 aperitivi with friends along the way
All in all, we walked for 8 hours and 10 minutes. Starting with 20’C and arriving with 38...
That was tough, actually, the only difficulty has been that horrendous heat in the humid air we have here in summer. Feet were in a bad shape and, after the last three hot hours, also the “rear cheeks” were starting to get reddish...
But I’ll do it again, just for the fun of it.
And to spit out all the frustration of these weeks.