I thought you guys might find this interesting. While looking for something else, I came across the shipping documents for the two 03-A3's I got through the DCM/NRA. I ordered the first one from the announcement in the Sept./1960 American Rifleman. It was shipped 2/2/61, an unissued Remington, from Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, N.J. There must have been a second announcement since I ordered another one that was shipped Mar 20, 1963 from Letterkenny Ord. Depot, Chambersburg, PA. That one was a Smith Corona with a rack number on it and a replacement Remington 2-groove barrel. And, yes, they were, in fact, $10 plus $4.50 packing & handling, freight collect. You could only get one if you hadn't bought one in the last 2 years, so I must have cut it pretty close.
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