Quote Originally Posted by Aragorn243 View Post
I actually had to put the book down the first time I started reading it. I had a PTSD moment and came close to passing out. This leads me to believe that the book will get much better after I get through the boring introduction to military medicine. Very descriptive account of a bullet wound to the stomach which led to massive internal bleeding, blood spurting everywhere and removing the clotted blood from the abdomen by hand. 3 1/2-gallon transfusion. My surgeon told me I more or less burst when he cut into me, my chest was full of clotted blood, and they transfused 5 1/2 gallons to me. It was a bit much while eating lunch. Over it now.
Wow, you offered up the full measure, no? Words won't do, but thank you for for what you gave and are still giving for my freedom and security.
