A while back, I asked if anyone knew the meaning of the tests on my Army records dating from when I was drafted in 1965. Karl gave me some information which was thankfully received. By chance I stumbled across the list taken from 1958 and explain what those numbers and letters actually mean. You can look at those old Army test scores and at least tell what they were testing for during basic training. I've listed them and what my scores were at that time. From these test scores, I should have been drafted into Armor Artillery or Combat engineers, of course none of that happened. Hope you find these interesting:

From 1958, my test is from 1965

IN = Infantry Combat 123
AE=Armor Artillery Engineer Combat 149
EL= Electronics 117
GM= general maintenance 135
MM= motor maintenance 144
CL= clerical 122
GT= general technical 125
RC=radio code 123

RV=reading and vocabulary (not on my test)
AR=arithmetic reasoning 127
SM= shop mechanics 139
PA= pattern analysis 126
AI= automotive information 150
AC=clerical speed test 126
MA= mechanical aptitude 132
EL= electronics information 110
GIT=general information test 147
CI= classification inventory 121
ARC= radio code 123

If anyone has additional information on the subject, I'd appreciate hearing it.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.