To the list:

One of the issues that has been bothering me (the other is chronic wasting disease) is the declining number and increasing age of hunters. Who is going to carry on the tradition? anyway this was in the NY Times:

Kind of interesting. They had some recipes, too. The story didn't really cover issues like fair chase, the hunter's responsibility to make a clean kill and follow up wounded game. And it shows a deer hunter in camo, not a trace of blaze orange on him! I think I'll send a letter to the editor.

The story notes that hunting skills used to passed down father to son, but that hasn't been happening as much as it used to. So these young men and women are taking classes or doing workshops. Well, I wish I had someone to show me all the tricks to dressing out a deer when I was a kid.

Anyway, I'm glad to see young men getting into the hunt, and especially hunting to eat. Let's see if they stick with it. Or will this be just another fad, like men's drum circles? (remember those?)

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