no, i do like the tactical look, i am just not sure how right that would look on a Kragicon rifle.
the gunsmith that i have talked to usually does tactical work and stuff for 3-gunners.
Because it is in bad shape and the whole thing needs a good refinishing, i am thinking of having a camo job done on it. He does neat looking camo jobs.

anyway, thanks for the info.
finding rings have really been a tough one. the closest things i have found was that ARMS system or some Weaver brand rings.
it really boils down to how much money i am wanting to put into it.
weaver looks better for the traditional look while the big beefy ARMS looks better for the tactical look

as for the M-14 flash hider, that is an idea i haven't thought of.
i cant cut down the barrel too much (short barrel) as i live in Illinois and they dont allow those things...
i will look into it,
Thanks again!