Those of us who know and love Hitlery .....are saying, GASP?!?!?!!?

Think back 2-3 years ago. 99% of us thought that today we would be saying Madame Presidente. She was, uh, the smartest woman in the world??? She had men lusting over her. Hell, she had women lusting over her. I think it was part of the Republican scheme to nominate McCain because he was the best match to oppose her. The "youth" issue wouldn't be a factor.

But we didn't know what was going on behind the scenes in the democrat party. So many higher ups knew the bitter truth with Hill and Bill. They were ruthless, cunning, cutthroat - even to those in their own party. If anyone, with any gravitas, could step up and oppose them, using any means. Hey, who is this guy Baraak Obamma??????? The rest is history. VP???? Never.

Today, she has been shuffled off out of the limelight, Bill is left to sulk with his women, silently at last. But she IS capable of trying to run the show, even though Obamma sends off these letters without her apparently knowing it.

We think Obamma is the only one in the administration who is giving us the shaft? There are dozens of Klintonites who are just waiting in the wings for the day he is completely marginalized.

And one who is waiting for her turn too.