I'm not tooooo sure of the response that you're going to get James, for a couple of reasons! There are certainly ways around the ludicrous way that auction site seems to operate but....... Several times in the recent past, we've seen newly joined members asking quite complicated questions such as yours is (and throwing glib, hopelessly wrong comments into the ring which niggle some long serving members I can tell you.....). The question is answered, maybe by many forumers all putting their heads together......... and guess what? Yep....., got it in one! The questioner is never heard from again. He's got what he wanted and legged it.

If I were you, Instead of diving in with a convoluted and complicated (well, it is to me.....) question, I'd have been inclined to get settled into the forum first, ask a few simple, interesting Q's, dish out a few answers, become known, establish your credentials...., you know the sort of thing........... and then get stuck into the big stuff. After all, you could be a dealer or a trader picking our brains before you've given us a chance to pick yours. Not saying that you are of course but it HAS happened and been commented on

Only my 2c's worth. Others may differ...., probably will. And incidentally, I don't know the answer to the question
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