Years ago, I started shooting at Silhouette targets in matches. Military rifles ,shot prone, rests allowed, modified go to "Open" class (scopes etc.). My first time was with a M1917, shooting 150 grain soft point. I started out at the Ram line (500 M, 550 yards) and was dropping rounds about 100 yards before the targets into the dirt (called by my spotter). He asked what my sight dope was and then I realized that I had neglected to put up the ladder and move the slider to the approximate range. That worked better. As a test when we moved to the Pig line (300 m, 330 yards) on the fixed spotting target I tried the same battle sight and this time I was over and again hitting the dirt between the Rams and Pigs (our range has a fowl side with Chickens and Turkeys and the meat side with Rams and Pigs). 400 yards should be about right. The only issue I have is the large aperture and small front sight. It is easy to use a wing as the post by mistake if your head is not where the sun is shining.
