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Bren LMG legally altered to fire in semi automatic.Value in U.S.A only needed?
I own a mark one bren gun legally modified with accompanying B.A.T.F. letter.
The condition is overall excellent. Better than the one i carried in post ww2 England.
A friend wishes to purchase this from me through dealer channels but we are both wondering what would be a fair market price. we both are U,S, citizens with concealed carry permits so a transfer should not present a problem
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05-04-2012 09:49 PM
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The only true value is the auction price. That is its worth to TWO people who want the gun on THAT day. It also eliminates the wannabees and tyre kickers.
Legacy Member
you can start at 2.5K but you should already know what its worth.
Depending on who made it and you say you have a letter so its wiselite ot historic armswhich are the best ones to have and they sell on the high end but if you just have a letter with it and its not a letter to the actual maker then the letter is worthless
If its a home made reweld of unknown origin then its value drops alot.
look fit and finish count for alot and so do parts and accessories.
so a realistic value would be between 1K and 2.5K
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A D/A MKI Dovetail, with correct extending leg bipod and hump back butt. Sells for about £625 retail in the UK. The dealers buy them in for approx £400.
Hope this helps, Lester
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Mr E is on the money. I have seen nice Wise Lite Arms selling here between $2,100 and $2,500.
There was one done by an outfit in east Texas that sold at a gun show here for $1,500 recently. It looked nice on the outside but it was a mess internally. The bolt wouldn't lock.
Someone PM'd me with a good idea he arranged with his friend when they couldn't reach an agreement for the value. They agreed to put the gun on an auction site in the US and the friend would bid until he won. Then, as he was a friend and as part of the agreement, the seller would return 25% of the price paid.
Everyone was happy. The TRUE value had been achieved, both parties could see the true value and the friend got a 25% discount on the TRUE value. Just my take on things. A good idea and saves a lot of hassle
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bren values
Great information guys. thank you.
An old Jewish friend told me a LOOOOONG time ago: "the true value of an item is the second highest bid at an auction".
OGPR was the other thing.. :-)##
Thank You to Warren For This Useful Post: