(Edged Weapons Forum)
Mis matched bolts
01-25-2007 08:20 AM
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Collectors like matching numbers, so a m/m can reduce value a bit. But some rifles are correct m/m, like the RC Mausers. The rifles were rebuilt with little attention to keeping the parts for one rifle together. Spanish Mausers actually used in the Civil War will be mismatched, because the rifles had been stored separated from the bolts in 1936. The rebuilt 5 1/2" reissued Colt single actions will be m/m because of the way the rebuild was done.
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chilean mauser carbine
i just bought a all matching chilean carbine with no chilean crest in near mint condition the barrel is bright .it has a saddle ring . any idea whats it worth i paid 100.00CDN. with a box of shells .it is made in berli by DWM. any info would be great !