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$43,000 p38 ?
Did an HP sell for $43,000 in the RIA auction? Was told that it was the first of the type, but I know of one that is two serial numbers lower.
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Real men measure once and cut.
09-16-2011 09:09 PM
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Lot 1335 sold for $43125 which was serial number 1020, and was supposed to be the first P.38 marked P.38.
Contributing Member
Thanks, Johnny... FWIW, I know a guy who has #1018
Real men measure once and cut.
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From what little I know about the early P.38, there was a series of prototypes beginning with serial number 1001, and the above pistol was the 20th pistol in that series. There was also the the Zero Series, of which serial number 0761 sold for $12,650, and a 480 Code sold for $9200. The prototype and Zero Series were as new, and the 480 Code was near 99% condition.