I usually hang out om the M1 carbine forum, but this morning I have discovered something insanely fun. I installed my CMMG .22 conversion kit in my Rock River LAR-15, and loaded the mag with Aguila Colibri .22 LR subsonics. Wondering what it would do, I wandered out to the back yard. I have a 7" skilsaw blade nailed to a tree for kids BB gun practice. I was able to hit it 29/30 times at 24 yards, standing offhand using an EO Tech holosight, with about an 8" drop at that range. Took 1 shot to guess the drop. The actual group was more like 4-5". The only sound was the hammer drop and the impact. Click---ding! Burned off the whole box, LMAO! Of course had to hand cycle the action, but this is fun and good practice!Information
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