I have some questions about this EBC I'm using. I got a Swede M96 that Ive shot the "pricksett" (sp) ammo through. I had it borescoped and was told that the bore is heavily fouled with the crupo-nickle material that the bullets are jacketed with. It was also told to me that this material is not easily removed as its not copper.

I came across the use of EBCs and hope that using it might remove this crupo-nickle fouling. Im using a 1/8" polished steel rod with "oo" orings on it. Straight household ammonia and a 3volt 600 mili amp voltage source.

Bottom line is that even though I get alot of "fizzing" when the EBC is in use (I ran it 30 minutes the 1st time, and 1 1/2 hours the 2nd time) Im not getting any "gunk" out. I see that the ammonia is a little dark when I dump it out, the steel rod is dark AND is copper coated near the chamber end but thats it. I run a couple solvent patches thru the bore and they come out black or maybe brownish but thats it.

Am I doing this correctly? Should I keep using the EBC until the rod comes out with out any dark or copper coloring on it? Is the 600 mii amp power source too small?

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