Hi everyone

First real post. I've been bitten by the Martini-Henry bug and will be looking out for one. However finding a good rifle will not be a problem, fair amount about, can sometimes get them for free, because reloading can be a issue. So...before doing anything, I would like to get cases and dies etc sorted out.

My question twofold. I would like some comments on using 24ga brass cases trimmed and necked down.

Second. Finding those in South Africa are going to be worst than hens teeth. I travel to the UKicon every 6 months or so and can maybe order from a supplier whilst there. What I'm worried about is returning with the un-primed brass cases in my checked baggage. Would hate to have a bad day at Heathrow due to some export regulation etc. This may be a off topic question but I'm hoping someone from the UK might be able to give some insight. Once I arrive back in South Africa, traveling won't be a issue.

Should be able to get a die set from the US with a bit of effort.

Thanks for any replies
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