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Replacement cocking piece for Lee-Enfield #4Mk1.
I have a well traveled Fazakerley #4 that has a pitted cocking piece on a mis-matched Long branch bolt. I would like to find one of the round knob cocking pieces for this rifle. And it would give me a start toward making it look more presentable.
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06-27-2009 07:21 PM
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I am not sure but I think the round cocking piece is a No1MK3 part? I'd start with Springfield Sporters, then Numrich.
your right Lou, plus if you change the cocking piece to a rounded one you will need to change the firing pin as the threads were different.
Legacy Member
I have noticed the round knob cocking piece in some of the #4 photos but I didn't know they also require a new firing pin.
They don't necessarily require a new firing pin.
Early No.4's from Longbranch, Savage and some made by Singer were fitted on early no.4 rifles before the slab sided cocking piece became standard.
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The round cocking piece with no rust would sure improve my rifles appearance.
That is how it always starts once piece at a time.
Like my grandfather said when I get thrrough all that will be left of the original rifle will be the hole in the barrel.