Hello All,

Tested the sporter today and success at last!! Weather here in Pittsburgh chilly and rainy with a slight wind. Ammo was 150 gr corelokt Remington. Groups shrunk from 3 in. to around 1/2 in. with 3 of 5 touching.
Two different groups - 5 shots each. What a remarkable change!!

A special thanks to Patrick Chadwick for his excellent step by step method of stock fitting. I think the biggest problem was that the stock was inletted for the original stepped trigger guard, while the installed trigger guard was straightened. The difference between the two at the front guard screw is close to 3/8 in. This gap was complletely unsupported. The shimming here
plus opening the barrel channel slightly made a world of difference.

Thanks again to all who followed this thread and responded Your suggestions helped restore the accuracy to this old shooter.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.