MAGAZINES...... I remember about 25 or so years ago being asked to run the ranges for a small TA (reservists) range day and they turned up with their SLR's and L4 Brens. During the afternoon the Bren magazines were all loaded up and when the shooting started we found that they were being forced out of the guns causing stoppages. It turned out that the box of L4 Bren magazines they had were all old original FN style magazines for L4A1 Brens with the small pressed lug. It seems as though over the years and tears, nobody had noticed that a few of the guns had been issued with these original magazines. We just loaded up rifle magazines and carried on the day.

Naturally, being a reservist unit, non too familiar with shoooting anything beyond the No8 rifle and with the aid of a good butt party, everyone passed with above average results ............ as you do!