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New to the forum
Hey guys I found the forum and thought I would join up considering I love old surplus rifles and I'm slowly trying to build up my collection (as quickly as the little woman will allow). I live out in eastern Oregon and spend as much time as I can up in the hills and love taking the rifles up to shoot. My girl friend has even gotten into it and can shoot tighter groups than most people I know.
My dad got me hooked on milsurp weapons when I was really young taking me to gun shows and the like. I do have to admit that I have no problem modifying a milsurp that has already been altered or the barrel has been shot out and a suitable replacement is not available (or not financially feasible). I actually have an odd desire to find old bubbaed rifles and rebuild them as target rifles. Though I also have a soft spot for keeping an original piece as is for the historic value.
Currently I have an AR-15, a Norinco 56S, a bubbaed (before I got it) Mosin Nagant M44, and a selection of other modern and classic rifles. Sadly I had to sell one of my favorites, a National Match M1A, a few years back to pay my fathers rent.
I'm going to be getting my CR soon I hope but I can't file for it until I get my address changed over to my new location.
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11-12-2010 07:19 PM
Friends and Sponsors
Howdy! Welcome to the forums!
I came here about, ummm, not quite two years ago and got a bit carried away. Lurk or post as suits you.