Milsurp Target Competition and Shoot (2011)
Milsurp Target Competition and Shoot (2011)
A world wide Milsurp Target competition/shoot, open to all Milsurps members, its not so much a competition but to see how each Milsurp rifle shoot.
There are many competitions we can't get to or would like to take part in but are sometimes the wrong date, place, time, also the categories may be not for our choice of milsurp, example being a WW1 Milsurp comp, its ok if you have a dated rifle but for someone who may be out that date range then it becomes a bit of a pain.
As most members on this site are interested or have a Milsurp rifle to hand, being the serious collector or the novice or the first time owner of a Milsurp, (we have all been there at one point) I thought it would be good to have a quarterly shoot/comp throughout the year.
It’s a basic comp with minimum rules and it's based on KISS, ( keep it simple stupid)
Any Milsurp Rifle as issued or in line with the categories listed, common sense will tell you what one.
Any desired position prone, bench, (standing if it really floats your boat !)
Sling, or rest of any description, but as it’s a milsurp NO bipod unless it was issued with it.
The Distance is a 100 mtrs/ 100 yrds, as I would think most can get to a 100 mtr range, whatever corner of the world you are in.
The ammo is up to the individual, home made. Factory, jacketed, cast etc, its your rifle you decide.
1. Any action Milsurp as issued, with original iron sights. (as issued I mean as the rifle would have been, some of us may of changed wood or a barrel etc, but these must be original items, but the bedding of barrels is also allowed)
2. Same as above, but any iron sights.
3. Same as 1, but with scope, any scope permitted.
4. Open to any converted milsurp, either in Calibre, barrel, any sight, iron or scope and bipod, and this is also for any action, Martini etc…, Semi auto (if your luky enough to have these in your part of the world) or any Milsurp variant.
5. Any Black powder (Milsurp) this includes any issued or volunteer rifle.
6. Any Military trainer
The target will be the PL7 or ISSF target cropped to fit on A4 paper which will enable us all to download and print it at home, or you may produce it to the dimensions as shown and you can put this on a backing target also as to increase the overall size etc for an aiming point. you can have 2ft x 2ft, target if you wish but the centre must be marked with the dimensions below.
Any colour disc or marker would be allowed, again its up to the shooter, If you want to make the target into a tin hat, colour it yellow, red etc, its up to you, as long as the dimenssions are standard.
Additional aiming points may be used, to compensate the milsurp rifles that have the rear sight starting at 200, 300. mtrs/yrds etc.
How you manage to get 5 rounds on the target at a 100 mtrs/yrds away is up to you.
The size is as follows:
V bull = 25mm
10 ring = 50mm
9 ring = 100mm
8 ring = 150mm
7 ring = 200mm
6 ring = 250mm
5 ring = 300mm
(Click PIC to Enlarge to FULL size)
Note: After you click on images to ENLARGE them, you may find they automatically size smaller in your browser's window making them smaller than actual size. The auto sizing is your browser's way of keeping images entirely within the screen size you have set. If this happens, you will see a small box in the bottom right hand corner of the pic with four arrows point outwards, or sometimes a small magnifying glass when you move your mouse over the pic itself. Click on either and the pic will EXPAND and open up to its normal size, so you should now be able to print it at full size. It may even print at full size for you from the smaller browser re-sized version, but try it yourself.
For those of you who want the full size target in PDF format ...
(Click HERE to download target in PDF fie format)
Post a pic of the card on the thread for scoring.
5 shots per card,
2 cards a year for each catagory,
The results will be posted at the end of the year again its up to you, when you want to shoot but would be nice to be able to have most results or cards in by a set time, of course this being a world wide comp if someone is snowed in or someone cant get out because the tarmac has melted then it’s a viable excuse, a runny nose or bad throat don’t count.
If you are having a good day and want to shoot all cards in one day then no probs, if you want to take part in all six then no worries, all in all common sense and honesty are the two main factors, and of course its meant to be fun, its not about being better than the next man, its what you can do with your Milsurp rifle.
For anyone with a disability and feel they are up to it, but are unsure, then please contact me.
The initial idea was to allow us ( forum Members) from all walks of life to shoot in our own time, way, position with our favourite rifles and show what can be done with an old Milsurp, plus its free and no pressure.
If you looking for gold medals, being carried round in a chair, having free drinks, expect respect and want a book written about you then, I,m sorry to say but this is NOT for you.
If you have an old Enfield, Mauser, Nagant, Springfield, Ross, Schmidt, etc…… and can hit a barn door, the size of a an A4 bit of paper at 100 mtrs then have a go.
NOTE : As we are nearly through the first half of the year only two cards will be required from now until December, next year it will run from Jan- Dec and will be four cards for each catagory.
2011 results
Member.................... score........v (x) bull.........total...........rifle.
Sarge1998.................38/48...............................86......... .3006 Smith corona M1903 A3 (2 cards posted)
Pyno & dyno.................49...............X........... .....49.1........ .30-06 M1917
Entry Level...................49...............X........ ........49.1........ .303 No4 Mk1 (T) scopeless
gunner.........................47.............XXX. .............47.3........ .303 No4 Mk1* (1942 savage)
Frank LE.......................46....................... ..........46.......... .303 No5 Mk1 (1946)
mausernut....................45...............X... .............45.1....... 7.92 Mauser K98 (Russian capture)
mausernut....................44................... ..............44.......... .303 P14 (Eddystone)
jmoore.........................43..............XX. ..............43.2....... .30 M1 M1 carbine
fn111557......................43.................. ...............43.......... .30 M1 M1 carbine (IBM)
EDmills40......................42................. ................42.......... .30-06 M1917 (Eddystone)
jmoore.........................41................. ................41.......... 7mm Mauser Oviedo 1893
bigduke6......................41.................. ................42.......... 7.5x55 Swiss K11
Jimmy K.......................40........................ ..........40.......... .30 M1 M1 Carbine
jmoore........................39.................. ................39.......... .30.06 Johnson Rifle
mausernut...................39.................... ..............39.......... 7.62x54 Mauser 91-30
mausernut...................38.................... ..............38.......... 7.62x54 Mauser M44
DMark..........................27................. ................27........... .30-06 M1903
Member.................... score........v (x) bull.........total...........rifle.
rusty.........................49/48............X................97.1.......... .303 No4 Mk2 (PH 8/53 sight)
Member.................... score........v (x) bull.........total...........rifle.
Entry Level...................50..............XX........ ......50.2......... .303 No4 Mk1 (T)
broadarrow303.............50..............XX.... ..........50.2.......... 7.62mm L42A1 (chordal rifling)
gunner.........................47...............X. ..............47.1......... .303 No4 Mk1*(T Repro) Kahles scope
Member.................... score........v (x) bull.........total...........rifle.
jmoore........................45.................. ...............45............ .220 swift Type 38 Arisaka Winchester M74 Barrel
Member.................... score........v (x) bull.........total...........rifle.
jmoore........................40.................. ...............40............ SMLE Sht .22 MKIV
Warning: This is a relatively older thread This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current. |
Last edited by bigduke6; 06-05-2012 at 05:53 AM.
The Following 15 Members Say Thank You to bigduke6 For This Useful Post:
A. F Medic,
Patrick Chadwick,
smelly sam
05-23-2011 10:43 AM
Friends and Sponsors
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OK, let´s start! Here is my target shot with my 1942 Savage made No.4 MK.I* with original sights at 100 meters from prone position. It includes the cold bore shot the "8".
Nice one Gunner, thats an excellent group and an excellent start to the comp, as were about half way through the year there will only be a need for another card, and from next year there will be 4 cards to shoot, year will run from Jan- Dec.
Once we have a few more cards in, will post the score in tables etc.
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Thank you bigduke! And thanks for making such efforts!
Advisory Panel
How many shots?
I cannot find any specification of how many shots should be fired on the target:
Legacy Member
Just to confirm... we're shooting 5 shots for each target?
Thank You to Baal For This Useful Post:
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What a great idea! The info above is quite clear & specific. In Australia we call this target the "50 metre International Slow Fire Pistol Target" and for those Aussies who want to participate in this competition, some "Sporting Shooters Association of Australia"(SSAA) ranges will not permit "non standard" photocopies to be used, but don't despair, just purchase one of these full size 50 metre targets from the range shop (one dollar), and set it up at 100yds on the SSAA frames provided.
To bigduke6; Would it be helpful if competitors indicated what loads they used?
Good shooting!
Uncle Ray
Originally Posted by
Patrick Chadwick
How many shots?
I cannot find any specification of how many shots should be fired on the target:
Originally Posted by
Just to confirm... we're shooting 5 shots for each target?
Sorry gents, quite an important bit of info I forgot to mention, It is 5 shots, have updated the draft, if there is anything else I,ve missed please let me know.
Reasons for 5 are, wont wear out your pride an joy, cheaper than ten and if your cards are like Gunners, then there is not enough room for more than 5.
Thank You to bigduke6 For This Useful Post:
Originally Posted by
Uncle Ray
To bigduke6; Would it be helpful if competitors indicated what loads they used?
Uncle Ray,
For the time being I,d prefare no details, once everythings put in place , then I will leave it up to the member if he wants to give that info out, I think it would be helpful, but we would need a disclaimer as in the ammo forum, the other thing is I dont want it leading to a debate on ammo loading etc.
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Roger, bigduke6; a fair comment. You can blame that idea of mine on a "senior moment"; thinking that the younger "under 60's" competitors may have wanted a few pointers from us older guys. HAHAHAHA!