Lee Enfields
Mosin Nagants (Soviet/East Bloc)
Mosin Nagants (Finnish)
Mausers (German)
Mausers (Other)
American Miltary Arms (Garands/Springfields/etc)
Japanese Military Arms
French Military Arms
Pre-1900 (Martinis/Trapdoors/Sniders/etc)
It's always popular to collect the war trophies stripepd from a vanquished foe. For the same reason 3rd Reich stuff is so popular.
Contrary to the trend though, the Carcano gets no love. Maybe it's because of the spectacularly crappy performance of the Italianarmed forces in WW2.
Союз нерушимый республик свободных Сплотила навеки Великая Русь. Да здравствует созданный волей народов Единый, могучий Советский Союз!
I'm interested in Lee-Enfields (No.1 MkIII HT, LB No.4 Mk1, LB No.4 "sniper"), American (the M14/M1A, and the M1903 A3), and the Pre-1900 (A Brown Bess and a Martini like the ones used in the movie Zulu)
Someday I'll end up owning one of each.
Italianrifles are cheap like borsch now, time to start a collection. I have a thing for No.I Mk.III and, dare I say it, Ishy's.
The first surplus rifle I bought was a 96 Swede and I still have a soft spot for them. Of course I didn't get my C&R until they were all gone from the suppliers but I still have a few.
Next would be the 91-30, mostly because they are easy & cheap to get.
What I would really like to have is an Enfield Sniper with box.
At this point I'm into pretty much all bolt action milsurps, although a few semi-autos have crept in.![]()
I get the biggest kick out of those that require making up brass and bullets, my favourite probably being the SwissVetterli. I like shooting the Swedes, Swiss, Lee Enfields and the Mausers.
At some point I'll likely focus more tightly on 3-4 countries, as long as that doesn't mean selling.
Since 1958
Garands for me.Regards Redhorse
I started with an SKS years ago. Loved it and that was the end of my collection. Then I found a Carcano at a garage sale. Bought it for $80. Its a complete dog but cool. Winchester 1917, Mosin M-44 from AIM Surplus, then my Norinco M-14S. I am totally addicted to collecting virtually any Milsurp gun I can get my hands on. I like shooting all of them (Carcano excepted) and enjoy looking at all of them. I would probably have more but turns out the M-14 is a money pit. Fun, but like a Harley, there is always more that you could do to it.
too many guns so little time I like the ca's as well but I did let my C1 Sterling and C2 go to a big Canadiancollector I'm kinda leaning toward selling of a few more .I'm really ****ed that i/we can't shoot them anymore and they are taking up alot of space maybe the feeling will pass we'll see