I have always wondered what the bore centerline to the outside receiver wall dimension was supposed to be for the No4T.

As it was described to me a number of years ago--the rifles were put into a jig machine that indexed from the bore centerline then the milling machine would touch the receiver wall where the pads were to be installed.

The slight milling would bring the receiver side wall to bore centerline distance to be exactly what the T brackets dimensions were as far as the centerline of the scope and the pad side that was mounted to the receiver wall.

Now in light of the reproductiion scopes and brackets and pads being made and installed on regular No4 rifles that have not had the side wall machined to make it --dimensionally correct I wonder just how many people are having problems with the scope being off requiring the adjustments to be off center in the scope.

So does anyone have the dimensional measurements that tell us what the original distance was for the milling machines to cut the sidewall.

Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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