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Thread: No.4 transit case.

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    Legacy Member newcastle's Avatar
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    No.4 transit case.

    I'm making up a faux transit case for No.4 Mk2 s just for display purposes. Can anyone tell me what information / writing would have been on the outside also what font and size the printing would have been please. I'd assume it would start with "RIFLE No.4 Mk2" but what else would be there please for four of them? thanks gents. any help much appreciated
    Warning: This is a relatively older thread
    This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.

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    A Collector's View - The SMLE Short Magazine Lee Enfield 1903-1989. It is 300 8.5x11 inch pages with 1,000+ photo’s, most in color, and each book is serial-numbered.  Covering the SMLE from 1903 to the end of production in India in 1989 it looks at how each model differs and manufacturer differences from a collecting point of view along with the major accessories that could be attached to the rifle. For the record this is not a moneymaker, I hope just to break even, eventually, at $80/book plus shipping.  In the USA shipping is $5.00 for media mail.  I will accept PayPal, Zelle, MO and good old checks (and cash if you want to stop by for a tour!).  CLICK BANNER to send me a PM for International pricing and shipping. Manufacturer of various vintage rifle scopes for the 1903 such as our M73G4 (reproduction of the Weaver 330C) and Malcolm 8X Gen II (Unertl reproduction). Several of our scopes are used in the CMP Vintage Sniper competition on top of 1903 rifles. Brian Dick ... BDL Ltd. - Specializing in British and Commonwealth weapons Specializing in premium ammunition and reloading components. Your source for the finest in High Power Competition Gear. Here at T-bones Shipwrighting we specialise in vintage service rifle: re-barrelling, bedding, repairs, modifications and accurizing. We also provide importation services for firearms, parts and weapons, for both private or commercial businesses.

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    Legacy Member newcastle's Avatar
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    Come on gents. Someone must know what markings were on rifle transit cases. There was a case with four consecutive serialed No.4s sold on Gunbroker recently. I'm betting the owner is on this forum somewhere.

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    I only ever saw re-useable chests with 10 rifles inside in the UKicon and they were painted khaki green but usually, the contents were on a card slipped inside a tin plate transit note holder tacked onto the chest. The transit note holder was a sheet steel thing with three little tabs that you'd bend over to retain the card. Used many times until tabs fell off so you just nailed another onto the chest. You will VERY often see the old tack holes remaining on the end of Bren and No4 rifle chests. Same chests were used for No4's, 8's and L1A1's.

    In NZicon at the big Ordnance Depot I saw many shipping chests that brought over about 20 or 30 rifles per chest but these were plain wood with just rifle designation and a list of serial numbers painted on the end. When opened in the mid 60's, the rifles were just virtually unidentifiable lengths of rust. Went straight into the tip!

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    Legacy Member newcastle's Avatar
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    Did they have any details on the outside Peter? I recall seeing pics of one of warrens transit chest one time which had "Rifle No.4 Mk1*" on eth outside I think they contained 5 or 10 rifles. Anyone know what FONT the stencils used were - either for these or the No.4 T transit cases?? this is a faux job but I may aswell make it look reasonably authentic (ish)

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    Legacy Member Maple_Leaf_Eh's Avatar
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    The font would be something simple. Imagine a paper stencil which the paint was daubed over with a balled up rag or cloth. Nothing exotic with serifs or strong angles.

    The labelling on No. 15 Chests has been photographed often. You might start there for inspiration.

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    Maybe Skippy the Skiprat could show us the font of the current stencill maker machine as used today. It's been the same machine used since I joined in 1963 and they are all dated 1954 so these would be the real McCoy!

    Where are you Skippy when we need you. Maybe I'll have to learn how to put photos up!

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    Legacy Member skiprat's Avatar
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    I'm still here!!!!!!
    My computer has had a nervous breakdown (limited to works IT.) and I'm up to my eyes in wood dust and metal swarf, getting stuff ready for the war n peace show.....

    I have a couple of stencils cut on the old works machine, and the brass clip together stencils.
    I will try and get some photos up loaded....

    Would the No4 transit case have any information on the outside about what is on the inside?
    it would be used to transport "lock up" stores from one secure location to another (or long term storage in depots).
    Any information required would be on the issue voucher that would accompany the chest.

  10. #8
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    There are a couple of chests on Ebay at the moment, not what you want, but could help.
    Attachment 43463Attachment 43464Attachment 43465Attachment 43466

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    You might want to try our Google CSE custom search engine located in the top right corner below the words "Advanced Search". It only searches our site using Google techniques and can be quite efficient. For example, in your case, type in the words no 4 transit, or perhaps enfield transit case, faux transit case, repro transit case and see what happens ..

    There are a lot of old threads with pics on the subject ...

    Hope that helps ...


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    Shame they don't have the inserts or I would be buying that.

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